2.4 Rules Composer

\includegraphics[width=1\textwidth ,bb=0 0 800 700]{xperttraderdescription.png}
Figure 2.2: ChartNexus XPertTrader main window - Rules Composer.

Referring to Figure 2.2, Rules Composer (RC) is the default window/tab you will see when you start ChartNexus XPertTrader.

Correspondingly, the numbered regions represent:

  1. List of available rules from General, Indicators and Candlesticks.

  2. Graphical illustrations of rules and the triggering signals are shown here.

  3. Parameter window. It shows the default value of the rules’ parameters. User can change the rules’ parameters here.

  4. Buttons to add/remove rules and mix and match them with logical operators AND/OR.

  5. The rules that you have composed.

  6. The drop-down list will contain all the rules that you saved. On the right side of the list, there are buttons where you can save, remove, import and export the rules.

  7. Text representation of the rules that you created/selected.