2.4.1 Types of rules

There are three basic sets of rules that you can use to form your own trading strategy:

  1. General - rules based on price, volume and so on.

  2. Indicators - technical indicators.

  3. Candlesticks - Japanese candlesticks or your self-created patterns.

After using any (either individually or in combination) of the rules listed above, you can use it for backtesting to test out your trading ideas and to use it to screen for potential hidden gem stocks.

NOTE: Indicators and Candlesticks rules are available for subscription separately or as a bundle. General rules are made available with any of the two subscription. See http://www.chartnexus.com/products/addons.php for more information.

We have set up a platform called XPertTrader Library XPL to facilitate the sharing and exchanging of rules created by users or us. Besides that, you can find out more tips and information on the various rules or aspects pertaining to XPertTrader at