It seems to me that your data differ from other data sources that I’m using. Is your data corrupted or having problem ?
Our data is adjusted for various events. So naturally, they will look different from many other data sources that you use since most of the data sources DO NOT provide you data adjustment for FREE. Check out the adjustment events.
How long does it take to download historical data ?
Downloading of historical prices should normally takes about 1-2 minutes if you update daily. ChartNexus will check for any updates before the download. Auto data update is turned ON by default.
Why is the data downloading/updating taking some time ?
If you’re first time user of ChartNexus, then the system may be downloading the past data. Otherwise, it may be because our servers are busy or internet connection is slow at ours or your end.
Can I re-distribute the stock data provided ?
Sorry, you are not allowed to. The stock data we used are licensed from our data providers. You can only use it for your own personal usage, and aren’t allowed to re-distribute or use it for commercial purpose. Please read our software license agreement again, here is the online version ( Contact us if you have any doubts.
Some of charts are not updated with the latest data. What should I do ?
It could due to incomplete download or corrupted data. Please see Section 5.7 on how to fix this.