7.1 Applying Indicators with Indicator Templates

To access the Indicators:

  1. Click on the \includegraphics[bb=0 0 16 16]{ico_indicators.png} button if the Indicators window is not shown.

  2. Click on the desired indicator’s checkbox to show/add the indicator in the chart window. To hide/remove the indicator(s), click again on the checkbox.

    \includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth ,bb=0 0 194 293]{pic4.png}
    Figure 7.1: Add or remove indicator to chart.
  3. Upon first installation, ChartNexus will create 4 indicator templates by default, namely ’- Last Workspace -’, ’- Last XPertTrader -’, ’- No Indicators -’, and ’- System Default -’(as seen in Figure 7.1). In System Default, you may add/remove any indicator with the checkboxes, and the selections will be automatically saved. To switch to a chart view without indicators, simply switch the template to ’- No Indicators’ template.

  4. You may also create more indicator templates by using the �Manage Indicator Template� button as shown in Figure 7.2. Click on this button and select �New Template� to create more template as you need.

    \includegraphics[width=0.75\textwidth ,bb=0 0 392 293]{pic5.png}
    Figure 7.2: Managing Indicators Template.